What are the electronic music maestro guys using nowadays?
February 8, 2013 11:29 PM

Which programs do the current batch of electronic music wizz kids use? Any pointers for getting started, forums, etc would be awesome!

I would love to give electronic music creation a go but am unsure where to start. I was wondering which program the likes of Skrillex, Pendulum, Disclosure, Calvin Harris, etc use to craft their music. I tried fruityloops but didn't get too far. Any advice from anyone that has had experience starting out with this kind of thing would also be awesome!
posted by aqueousdan to Media & Arts (6 answers total) 23 users marked this as a favorite
It's not as much the specific software suite(both ableton and reason are quite popular), but the plugins you use with it. NI massive, etc.

Basically just do a few "best electronic music VSTs" google searches after getting a copy of ableton or reason and you'll be on the right track to have the tools everyone's using.
posted by emptythought at 12:58 AM on February 9, 2013

How much of a musician are you? Can you play an instrument, read music etc?

Without a grounding in making music already, all you will be able to do with these apps is noodle around. In that case (and we'll ignore the contemptible suggestion to steal) it might cheaper to start with iOS apps if you have an iDevice. The variety, quality and prices are truly boggling. Check out Wolfgang Palm's apps like WaveMapper, or others like Animoog, mixtikl, sunrizer. Also synthtopia.com for latest product reviews.
posted by epo at 1:38 AM on February 9, 2013

look up 'skrillex tutorial', etc, on youtube, and you'll find walkthroughs.
posted by empath at 1:50 AM on February 9, 2013

I know you said you tried Fruity Loops but I would say it's much easier to get going with Fruity than with Live. I couldn't grasp the Live model at all but with Fruity I can get basic beats and melody going very quickly...

Highly recommend Reaper for a solid, cheap, community supported DAW.
posted by erebora at 8:48 AM on February 9, 2013

Coming in with a different approach here, I am also starting to get into electronic music and if you wanted a free/open source alternative to the (very expensive) proprietary solutions, I would recommend:



Soft Synths:

Drum machines:

I've tried all of the above on linux, but I know at least some of them should work on windows/mac too. FWIW, I've also been hearing that your specific DAW choice (aka pro tools vs. albeton vs. reason vs. FL) doesn't really matter that much.
posted by lhude sing cuccu at 11:21 AM on February 9, 2013

FWIW, I've also been hearing that your specific DAW choice (aka pro tools vs. albeton vs. reason vs. FL) doesn't really matter that much.

Yes. Pick something and learn it. It’s going to take some work. If you don’t want to work and just want to play around then you can’t really do better than Garageband. Ignore the kids telling you to steal something, there’s a flood of cheap/free DAW’s out there.

KVR is a good place to start.
posted by bongo_x at 11:38 AM on February 9, 2013

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