Can you recommend a meal delivery service in Australia?
February 7, 2013 4:02 PM

In a few month's time, I will be recovering from a c-section whilst wrangling a newborn and a toddler. We don't have family here in Sydney so Mr Jubey and I will be coping alone. I'll be freezing meals in advance to help there but our freezer is only small so I'm looking for a meal delivery service for 4 weeks or so til I recover. Endless takeaway doesn't appeal, nor is it healthy long term. I know of Lite & Easy but that's geared towards weight loss and while (hopefully) breast feeding I will need more calories. Can you recommend a good meal delivery service? No special dietary requirements.
posted by Jubey to Food & Drink (8 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Lite n Easy have 3 calorie options and they have a section about breastfeeding mums on their website.

I have used them purely for convenience (I do not need to lose weight) and I found them to be excellent. The food is yummy and the service was good. I would at least give them a call to see what their stance on breastfeeding mums is.

They're not cheap though, that's my only gripe.
posted by Youremyworld at 4:18 PM on February 7, 2013

Have a look through this list.
posted by Kerasia at 4:41 PM on February 7, 2013

If you live anywhere near the Inner West, if you post a photo of the baby (they're scrumptious)...I'd be happy to deliver a meal. Vegetarian or meat filled. My mothers group did a meal roster when ToddlerTaff was first born as MrTaff had to go overseas after a death in his family.

It rocked. Happy to pay it forward somewhat.
posted by taff at 5:18 PM on February 7, 2013

I don't know whereabouts in Sydney you are, but there are many Asian orientated services in the more outer west. I only have experience with a Viet delivery service, which we did for a while - but it was fan-bloody-tastic and jaw-droppingly cheap (like $60 a week I seem to recall. Crazy).

But you have to be out West, they don't deliver anywhere else, and best to have someone who can recommend if you don't speak Viet, or Cantonese, etc.
posted by smoke at 5:43 PM on February 7, 2013

I use Gourmet Dinner Service every now and then. I think their meals are great, definitely the best frozen meals I've ever had! They seem to deliver all around Sydney.
posted by thecitymiddle at 12:24 AM on February 8, 2013

These are all great suggestions, thanks so much, it's a good starting point. I'll have to figure out a budget to decide which to go with, so in the meantime, they are all best answers. Taff especially, what an incredibly generous offer! You're so kind, but I'm on the Northern Beaches, so a little far out for you.
posted by Jubey at 12:49 AM on February 8, 2013

Poop! I was a Mosmanite till just a few years ago.

On the days you don't get a meal service...make sure your partner gets you a packet of rocket or a lettuce and some cucumbers and tomatoes. You'll crave fresh stuff, and when unpregnant, packets of salad mix are ALLOWED woo hoo! And a good bunch of green stuff makes the world of difference to an otherwise crappy choice. (Good salad and gourmet pie from Sylvia and Frans...perfect and easy.)

Another thing that helped me when I was recovering from my caesar was help at toddler bath time. I really reduced the number of baths she got, tried to time them so a friend or family member was around, and MrTaff pre-cooked meals late at night when our toddler was asleep so I just had to reheat for our 17:00hrs dinner the next day.

Also train your toddler to climb in and out of their stroller and carseat now!

Luck, darling.
posted by taff at 2:53 AM on February 8, 2013

One other suggestion...people will ask you if they can help, or if you need anything. Say, "If you feel like making some extra salad/lasagna next time you're putting one together/when you come to visit, that would be my so much more helpful than flowers or a wondersuit. "
posted by taff at 3:17 AM on February 8, 2013

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