Best Anatomy/Physiology Videos on Youtube?
February 2, 2013 1:31 PM   Subscribe

I have to learn anatomy and physiology on my own in a very condensed period of time. I find that I learn best by watching a lecturer or fantastic video. Do you have any recommendations for fantastic lecture series on YouTube detailing the anatomy and physiology of various organ systems?
posted by melodykramer to Science & Nature (3 answers total) 12 users marked this as a favorite
There were a series of lectures by Marian Diamond, from UC Berkeley, teaching intro anat and physiology. These were very good- Id recommend getting a youtube downloading extension to download the videos in mp4, and watching them sped up by 1.5x.
posted by Maxwell_Smart at 1:53 PM on February 2, 2013 [1 favorite]

Dr. Najeeb! His videos saved my butt during nursing school, I wish I had known about him while I was taking A&P. It looks soo dry at first but he does a great job of breaking concepts down and slowly building them back up again. Highly recommend him.
posted by pintapicasso at 2:19 PM on February 2, 2013 [1 favorite]

Bull Harrier was extremely helpful during A&P 1. And Bozeman Biology is technically 'high school' but still really good.

Don't forget to check iTunesU -- there are profs on there from Stanford and Yale, but some guy from a community college in the middle of nowhere was a huge help as I reviewed for my heart test today . . .
posted by MeiraV at 3:38 PM on February 2, 2013

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