Online degree for Child Development / Education?
January 22, 2013 6:42 PM

Asking for a friend: can you recommend a reputable (presumably brick and mortar) university that has a good online program for child development or early childhood education?

My friend has a degree from overseas, but the university degree is in economics and not that related to child development or childhood education. (On top of that she's having difficulty getting a certified transcript that is translated into English.) She'd like to take an online course leading to either a degree or teaching certificate (to either teach pre-school in Maryland or perhaps open up a pre-school), and has run into a lot of for-profit gunk that is out there. Would also pursue child psychology if that is an option.

Any recommendations or experiences welcomed!
posted by scooterdog to Education (1 answer total)
My wife is a Center Director for a big chain daycare that you have heard of. Her teacher's get their online CDA's from Rasmussen College
posted by COD at 7:11 PM on January 22, 2013

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