Fahrenheit 451 Salamander
December 7, 2012 8:36 AM

All the literature on the Salamander from Fahrenheit 451 has been burned. Where can I find more information about the Salamander that was built for the 1966 film?

IMCDB indicates that the Salamander for the 1966 film was built for the movie. Are there any resources available with more information about the construction of it or what may have happened to it after the movie? Google has provided hours of reading on the book and the movie, but very little information about the vehicle itself. After spending some quality time searching through images of fire engines from the 1920's through the 1960's, I see the origin of various features but nothing that indicates it was based off an existing vehicle. Any helpful resources or information would be useful.
posted by boba to Media & Arts (2 answers total)
According to one parenthetical statement in a book searchable via Google Books, Je T'Aime...Moi Non Plus:
Franco-British Cinematic Relations
, the fire engine was a "converted Mole-Richardson camera crane" (p. 220).
posted by seabound_coast at 10:11 AM on December 7, 2012

That is definitely helpful. I never considered the camera crane apparatus, but that makes a lot of sense with the seat on the extendable arm.
posted by boba at 6:02 PM on December 8, 2012

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