The Second Most Important Seat in the House
December 4, 2012 11:56 AM

Tall Person Furniture Filter: Help me find a recliner!

Howdy all - I'm 6'4" with a decent chunk of that in my torso and pretty nasty lower back problems (every few months I'll twist the wrong way or sit in a bad position and won't be able to straighten/stand well for a few days).

My first-apartment-couch is pretty well worn through after many years of faithful service, and I'd like something that I can sit in for more than 20 minutes without getting back spasms. I'd also like something tall enough that I can put my head back and rest it on something instead of curling my shoulders around the top and half-resting on the wall behind the couch.

With the space we have, I'm actually looking into a recliner and tried sitting in some of the Ekornes Stressless chairs - they're comfortable, but all very short - with the small ones, the back comes about up to my shoulder blades.

Any other options? I'd be willing to get a couch, but am looking to spend under $2k which puts me in the recliner range I think. I'd also value quality of construction over style. Most of the furniture in the house is oak or old growth pine, very little veneer/plastic/metal.

I've also looked through Craig's List, Ebay, etc, but am somewhat wary about used ergonomic furniture - I know that I don't particularly pay attention to how hard I flump on the sofa and can't really be shocked that after the better part of a decade, 200 lbs dropped onto it on a semiregular basis has eroded my couch springs...
posted by Seeba to Home & Garden (7 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
A quick search for recliner tall people netted this, among other things.
posted by michellenoel at 12:11 PM on December 4, 2012

the Ekornes Stressless chairs - they're comfortable, but all very short - with the small ones, the back comes about up to my shoulder blades.

I'm a similar height and have a similar problem. A while back I went to a store that had a huge assortment of the Ekornes chairs and found that the largest size of a couple of the models were amazingly comfortable. They are out of my price range, but if you can afford one or can find them used, I'd suggest checking them out more carefully.
posted by Forktine at 12:13 PM on December 4, 2012

I'm only 6'1", but I love the Le Corbusier LC4 chaise--very comfortable.
posted by Admiral Haddock at 12:15 PM on December 4, 2012

Seconding trying more Stresslesses. They come in a great variety of sizes, and I've known other tall people who thought they were awful until they sat in the right one and then it was ahhhhhh....
posted by The corpse in the library at 12:49 PM on December 4, 2012

There is the Living XL catalog that has a few recliners designed for tall and large folks that look to be in your price range. I've been meaning to go and try out these chairs, they are a little more stylish. They have a store locator page.
posted by agatha_magatha at 3:10 PM on December 4, 2012

I'm 6'5" and share your problem. I tried a beautiful Stickley-style recliner for awhile but my legs were just too long for the pop-up extension. What I finally found was a chair plus ottoman. Obviously, you can place the ottoman just where you need it.
It's a Palliser #51693-03-173A02, in red leather. It does recline and I fall asleep in it. Tall back, good looking and comfortable. Only one local store had any chair w/ottoman combinations at the time.
Price was under $1,000.00 but I think mine is a knock-off of a more expensive chair, which is also nice, but more plush. I think tall people just don't fit on those push-out extensions on recliners.
posted by Hobgoblin at 9:38 PM on December 4, 2012

If the couch isn't otherwise in bad shape then how about getting it fixed? An upholstery shop should be able to revive or even improve the condition of the seating. But I'm assuming it's back is too low to make it worth the effort?

$2k buys a lot of couch. Shop around. Bear in mind a couch also serves as seating for others, whereas a recliner is just you. A couch with a compatible height ottoman might be a good alternative to a recliner.

Also shop at a home theater place if there's one nearby. Their seating options are often more varied that what you'll find in a regular furniture place.
posted by wkearney99 at 6:41 AM on December 5, 2012

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