Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree...
November 26, 2012 7:38 AM

In search of a Christmas tree, near Kew Gardens-Forest Hills in Queens, NY, this week.

We're hosting a holiday gathering for friends this Saturday, Dec. 1, and want to have our Christmas tree up and decorated. Our corner bodega won't have their trees until sometime next week, and when we'd driven along Queens Boulevard this weekend, didn't spot any other purveyors of trees out and about yet.

Anyone have any tips on where to pick up a tree some evening this week (hopefully tonight or Tuesday evening) in the vicinity of Kew Gardens-Forest Hills? We've got a car, so just so long as the seller can help with strapping it to our roof, we're plenty game for driving.

Open to suggestions further out on Long Island as well, just hoping someone can provide visual confirmation that the trees are there to be had.
posted by acorn1515 to Shopping (3 answers total)
Home Depot on woodside and metro?
posted by JPD at 7:52 AM on November 26, 2012

I was just about to suggest the same thing - we get our tree from the same Home Depot, and I just saw trees listed in their online circular.
posted by Neely O'Hara at 11:22 AM on November 26, 2012

Trees for sale all over Manhattan.
posted by JimN2TAW at 6:00 AM on November 27, 2012

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