a suit made of kitten fur
November 15, 2012 5:03 PM

Most best soft warm fleece pajamas: where are they?

I've had my current main winter pajamas in the rotation for a few years now. When I first got them they were the most best soft warm fleece pajamas, they are now a bit pill-y and not near as snuggly. With the gifting season upon us, I'd like some options to toss up on my Amazon wish list.

Specifics: Warm. I get cold easily. Two-piece, knit and not woven (no woven flannel). Ideally will feel like you are living inside a suit made of clouds and baby kittens (except no claws and scratchy tongues).
posted by drlith to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (2 answers total) 11 users marked this as a favorite
I like Lands End
posted by seawallrunner at 10:24 PM on November 15, 2012

After feeling up the pajama departments at several major department stores, I put these Croft and Barrow separates on my Christmas list. I gleefully received a set, and I can report that they are:
1. insanely cuddly, at least when new. exactly how I imagined a suit made of kittens would feel.
2. really warm. like, super warm. I am a person who needs far more clothing and/or bedcoverings that just about anyone I know. Unless you are a person who needs really warm pajamas, you might find them a smidge too warm at times.
3. I haven't washed them yet so I cannot comment on how the fluffiness holds up.
4. Due to the high loft, they take up approximately 3x the space of normal fleece pajamas in a drawer.
5. Also due to the high loft, they make you look a little "fluffy" in the Garfield sense.
posted by drlith at 1:02 PM on December 31, 2012

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