ShortFilmFilter: Why do you think they call it Darjeeling?!?
November 2, 2012 6:10 AM

Trying to remember / find out more about a movie that I saw at a short film festival at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston sometime between 1994 and 1997? (this'll be a hard one!)

Some time between 1994 and 1997, I went to a short film festival at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.

I don't remember whether or not there was any big theme or not-- like lots of short film festivals, a bunch of them were experimental, some more conventional, some comedies, etc.

There was one that, for some reason, really sticks in my mind. It involved a guy smoking pot-- or at least thinking he was smoking pot-- it was actually tea, but he was still acting like he was getting high.

The one scene that I remember is a conversation between two characters:
Pot smoking guy, in a very 'I'm so high' voice: "Hahaha, why do you think they call it DOPE! Hahahaha!"
Other character: "You idiot! That's not pot! That's Darjeeling! You know, TEA?"
Pot smoking guy: "Hahaha, why do you think they call it darjeeling? Hahahahaha!"
So, anyway, almost 20 years later, when I see a tea bag of darjeeling, my mind races back to this scene in this movie...

I'll be very surprised if anyone gets this one, but I've been surprised in the past!
posted by gregvr to Media & Arts (1 answer total)
Have you tried phoning the museum? It was a long time ago of course, but there's a chance they might have some record of the festivals and things that have gone through there, and/or the people who have presented their films. If you can get that you could maybe find a name associated with the film itself and contact them/ask about it.
posted by Urban Winter at 7:12 AM on November 2, 2012

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