Best practices for applying powder foundation from a compact?
October 22, 2012 9:01 AM

Most efficient way to get makeup from the compact to my face?

I recently bought one of these Bare Minerals compacts, but I'm not sure what the best application method would be for my purposes. Ideally, this would fit into my purse, so the brush they sell with it is kind of out. I've used smaller brushes for powder application like this one, but with pressed powder, there seems to be a lot of waste as the powder comes off the compact and doesn't adhere to the brush. These sorts of rubbery sponges tend to clog up with oil very quickly. Velour puffs also get greasy and fall apart in a few weeks. Washing just seems to make the applicators fall apart faster.

Is there some other application option I'm missing? I'd like heavier coverage sometimes, which a dampened sponge is good for, but I also need the mattifying property of the powder applied dry. Plus, it all needs to go into my purse without shedding powder everywhere. Have you found specific methods or brands of applicator that have helped?
posted by Kitty Stardust to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (5 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
The rubbery sponges are what I use, and yes, they clog up and get gross realively quickly, but they are dirt cheap and meant to be replaced frequently. I can get a week out of each one usually.
posted by PuppetMcSockerson at 9:14 AM on October 22, 2012

I use a kabuki brush. The bristles are dense, which seems to cut down on waste, and you can get retractable ones, which keeps the bristles from bending when you travel with them.
posted by showbiz_liz at 9:16 AM on October 22, 2012

Agreed. Travel brush.
posted by atomicstone at 9:27 AM on October 22, 2012

Thirding that you want a travel brush.
posted by bearwife at 10:46 AM on October 22, 2012

I use a flocked sponge for mineral makeup. They have a velour finish, unlike a regular makeup sponge. I have several and wash them regularly- they last me for a very long time. Ususally I soap them up and squeeze a few times, then toss them in with my laundry and take them out before drying. Mine are a couple years old. I have kabuki brushes of various kinds as well, but they definitely fling more powder around.

Bonus: flocked sponges don't lift any tiny flakes or hairs on your face like brushes do. The ones that come with a little plastic sleeve are the best.
posted by oneirodynia at 12:07 PM on October 22, 2012

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