Egyptian Arabic Translation into English, please.
October 2, 2012 6:38 PM

Egyptian Arabic Translation needed, please.

لايـوجـد فـي قلـبي جـزء للحـقـد ..

فمـن راق لي خُلُقِهم دخلـوا قلبـي ♥

وإن صدمتني حقيقتهم خرجـوا من حيـاتـي وانتهـت القصـة ...


لا تبحث عن شخص تـتـمـنـاه فـَ يجعلك عـبـدا
بل إبحث عن شخص يـتـمـنـاك لـِ يجعلك مـلـكا ♥

Thank you for your help!
posted by thatgirl1985 to Writing & Language (3 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
My Egyptian coworker tried to translate it but couldn't quite understand the first one. He said it's something about hatred leaving your heart and a story ending.

The second one he says is something along the lines of:
"Don't look for the person who will enslave you
But search for the person who wishes to make you king"
posted by erst at 7:06 PM on October 2, 2012

Per my wife, native Egyptian (not word for word translation, but more appropriate for meaning):

There is no piece of envy in my heart
Anyone who I like their character enters my heart
If I was shocked by their reality, they leave my life, and the story ends


Don't look for someone you wish for who will make you a slave
But look for someone who wishes for you, and will make you a king

On a side note, thanks for this. We had a fun time (her extolling the virtues of Arabic and me playing with the nuances of English) translating between the two of us. She's still arguing, though, that I haven't captured the true nuance of the Arabic. Could you tell us the source?
posted by defenestrated at 7:20 PM on October 2, 2012

Thank you very much to all of you! I do not know the source. My friend just posted these things on Facebook. Perhaps a Google search of the quotes would reveal where it came from.
posted by thatgirl1985 at 4:14 AM on October 3, 2012

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