Java Distance Learning
August 7, 2005 7:18 PM

Any good place to learn Java online? For both beginners (J2SE) and also intermediary programmers willing to learn more (J2ME, J2EE).

Note that I am not looking for online resources, but for a distance learning provider. A virtual classroom, with a teacher, tests, and etc. I am not looking for a free solution.

I know, I know, many of you will lecture me on the wonders of self-teaching with a good ole O'Reilly book and the vastness of the internet. I agree with you in most cases, but in this situation I really need someone who provides virtual trainning with an old-fashioned classroom structure.
posted by falameufilho to Computers & Internet (1 answer total)
I'd recommend a community college online course in it. I can't say anything specific, as I'm not sure what goes on in your neck of the woods, but I just last week finished a class with San Diego Mesa College called "Introduction to Java" which was excellent. It was all web-based, with a discussion board for students and the prof, and assignments from a text I bought on Amazon. Upload source code, download grades. I'd definitely do it again.
posted by plexiwatt at 9:10 AM on August 8, 2005

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