iOS Developers! Take My Money! Photo App Neede!
August 16, 2012 3:34 PM

I'm a very happy owner of a new iPad. I also have the cheap, Chinese knockoff equivalents of the Apple Camera Connection Kit (1 for CF cards, another for SDHC and variants). They work great and cost me next to nothing. I shoot raw and fine quality jpeg pictures. How can I transfer only my jpegs to the iPad without tranferring the raw files (in this case .NEF at the same time?

Given the number of photographers I know who use iPads, I can't believe there isn't an app to move only jpeg images from a card or camera to the device while leaving the raw files intact on the card.

Most of the shots are taken with my personal use cameras (a Nikon D700 or V1), so the option to save raw files to one card and raw files to another in camera isn't there.

I have an Eye-Fi Pro card that I use in the V1 sometimes, and I can set the Eye-Fi software up to only move the jpegs and not the raw files. All I want is an iOS picture transfer app that does the same thing.
posted by imjustsaying to Computers & Internet 1 user marked this as a favorite
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