All the pretty colors
July 15, 2012 3:00 PM

I just watched Daft Punk's Interstella 5555 again, and it got me wondering, if I love Interstella 5555, what other anime might I enjoy. Assume I know little about anime, and bonus points if I can watch it via Netflix streaming.
posted by 4ster to Media & Arts (9 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
Definitely Macross Plus, and you don't need to know anything about the original Macross series to enjoy it: two test pilots, one girl, and a virtual pop star.

Leiji Matsumoto was the guy who directed Interstella 5555 and his Galaxy Express 999 shares a lot of the DNA that you see in the Daft Punk film. It's set in the same world as Space Pirate Captain Herlock and Queen Emeraldas, both of which feature space pirates and shenanigans. They're not as shiny as newer stuff, but they're very strong works. He also was responsible for Space Battleship Yamato, which is available in a bowlderized version entitled Star Blazers, which is on Netflix WI.

Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex is on Netflix WI and it's basically a procedure-driven version of the anime and manga series. Cybernetics, ethics, and crime all converge. It's one of my all-time favorite things.
posted by beaucoupkevin at 4:47 PM on July 15, 2012

It isn't as long, but the movie Riding Bean (1989) cut down and set to Lazerhawk by neros77 is in a similar type of anime, played in two parts.

Pt. 1.
Pt. 2.
posted by Algebra at 6:42 PM on July 15, 2012

This isn't anime, but if you're possibly looking for music and animation tightly bound together, then I'd recommend DJ Qbert's Wave Twisters.
posted by hanoixan at 7:34 PM on July 15, 2012

None of these are really music video anime like 5555, but a random sampling of some of the best of the past 30 years. Anime, like American TV and movies, covers everything from children's shows to porn, sci-fi to slice of life.

Cowboy Bebop! Ok, that one is practically a music video.

Voices From a Distant Star.

FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.

Just about anything by


Tatu's music video for Gomensai.
posted by Jacen at 8:23 PM on July 15, 2012

Unfortunately it'll probably never be on Netflix instant or probably even released in North America due to the slapfight that Harmony Gold has been having for the last 20 years over the Macross distribution rights in the US, but if you can find a fansubbed version of the Macross Frontier series you'd probably find it enjoyable. Music is a central theme in the series and overall it's very well done.

Here is the first episode on Youtube in 720p with English subtitles (press the cc button for those), and by poking around it appears it's pretty easy to find more there or elsewhere.

There are also two movies that roughly retell the story of the series in ~3 hours instead of the full 25 episodes, but they also make significant changes to the story which I didn't care for.
posted by barc0001 at 1:05 AM on July 16, 2012

FLCL comes to mind as a series with a recognizable style and a heavily integrated soundtrack featuring a single band. It's also sci-fi-ish and availible on youtube/Hulu/other places online. A little juvenile as coming of age stories tend to be, but gets more interesting as it goes on (only 6 episodes).

Not "anime" in the western use of the word, but there is a lot of interesting animation in Daft Punk's home of France. The Illusionist was pretty effective at telling a story without using any real dialogue somewhat similar to what Interstella did. DyE's Fantasy music video has a anime look to it and an, uh... unorthodox approach. NSFW though for different reasons than you would assume at first.

I'd also throw out Nasu: Summer in Andalusia as something to look at. It's a short take on small town family ties and the Vuelta a EspaƱa. It's quite good and doesn't really get enough attention.
posted by Winnemac at 1:52 AM on July 16, 2012

These suggestions are awesome, and I'm already addicted to Macross Plus!
posted by 4ster at 6:53 AM on July 16, 2012

As a note, a good chunk of what Netflix has available for streaming is pretty top quality anime. If you start something, find it uninteresting, then definitely move on and try something else.

A number of good things have been mentioned above, but one that hasn't, for which I'm particularly fond of is Last Exile.

It overflows with awesome creativity; the sound track, the world building and story, all fantastic.
posted by Atreides at 12:06 PM on July 16, 2012

Not Anime per se, not on Netflix streaming (but available on DVD and maybe from other sources)...
Heavy Metal
Rock & Rule
Are pretty decent early 80's cartoon + music-ish themed.
Heavy Metal Intro
Rock & Rule Finale

Both were music heavy enough to get caught up in licensing issues over soundtrack and video rights making them hard to find cult classics for many years.
posted by zengargoyle at 1:00 AM on July 17, 2012

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