Help me find a way to download Senate Finance hearing testimony
July 11, 2012 11:23 AM   Subscribe

I need to save a video from the Senate Finance Committee's hearings video library so that I can edit out a small snippet of testimony.

**I initially called and asked their press office and because the video is in the public domain they said it is not against their rules for individuals to pull video from the site to re-post**

We want to pull a video of testimony to put up a clip of our person on our site. They post full videos of testimony on their webpage. Here is an example.

To accomplish this I tried using Tube Master ++ which has always worked for me in the past, and it would start loading the video only to conk out after about 7 seconds. I tried a couple of Flash Firefox downloading extensions but no luck with any of them. I also tried Jing, a webcasting tool, and it captured the video nicely but my soundcard at work appears to be insufficient to record the audio.

Worst case scenario I can just smush the audio and video tracks together in video editing software, but I'd like to be able to pull the full video.
posted by forkisbetter to Computers & Internet (2 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
I was able to get it with rtmpdump. If you're handy with the command line you can do it, otherwise if that's the video you want, I can send you a link to the version I downloaded.

If you view source on the player popup, you'll see at the end a few strings that you can put together to construct a url for rtmpdump. Concatenating the streamer value of rtmp:// with the file option of /vCommMP4Files/finance071012.mp4 makes a url appropriate for rtmpdump.
posted by zsazsa at 1:07 PM on July 11, 2012

Response by poster: zsazsa, thanks for the help! CSPAN ended up covering it so we did not need to rip it ourselves.
posted by forkisbetter at 1:24 PM on July 24, 2012

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