Place to get T-shirts
July 26, 2005 3:10 PM

T-shirts. I'm in a small town and the only place with T-shirts is Wal-Mart (which has only Budweiser & NASCAR shirts by Faded Glory). So where can I buy a bunch of cool (even geeky) T-shirts online but without paying $15 a pop?

CafePress is good but their shirts are $15ish. Also if it matters I like stylish, nongarish designs (i.e. any big designs on back, not on front; breastpocket logo is good though).
posted by rolypolyman to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (12 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
threadless regularly puts their tees on sale for $10 a pop. wait for one of those sales and go crazy.
posted by subclub at 3:15 PM on July 26, 2005

I haven't seen anything online for much less than $15, aside from the above-mentioned sales on threadless, which are great.

You may also want to keep an eye on T-shirt blog Preshrunk.
posted by Vidiot at 3:18 PM on July 26, 2005

In my experience, if you want cool t-shirt, $15 is pretty much the minimum. Try thrift stores.

On preview, threadless looks cool.
posted by Specklet at 3:27 PM on July 26, 2005

You can always try ebay.
posted by Blue Buddha at 3:28 PM on July 26, 2005

Enclothe is pretty cool
posted by Dean Keaton at 3:34 PM on July 26, 2005

Do a google search for "t-shirt stencil bleach" which will take you to instructions for making your own cutting edge hipster shirts using bleach and stencils. No really.

Also search this site for info on silkscreening and you'll see links to easy alternatives. Apparently cafepress shirts are crap iron-ons that fade.
posted by mecran01 at 3:42 PM on July 26, 2005

Screenprint your own!
posted by cyphill at 4:01 PM on July 26, 2005

skylab clothing and full bleed and some folks already mentioned threadless
posted by at 5:25 PM on July 26, 2005


Your check is in the mail.

posted by boogah at 8:50 PM on July 26, 2005

ah, is it yours? Should've known something that kewl would be run by a Mefite! (Actually, I think I found it by way of A Whole Lotta Nothing, so it's one big circle, y'know?)
posted by Vidiot at 10:33 PM on July 26, 2005

Also and but personally, I prefer Jason's sensibilities.
posted by junesix at 12:30 PM on July 27, 2005

I've got a whole category devoted to t-shirts I find on my blog.

I'm in the same position as you since I hate paying a lot for t-shirts and I love geeky ones. I've picked up four t-shirts at Wal-Mart recently that were surprisingly good (and only $5.83):

- "Your IQ test came back negative."
- "Mr. Wonderful"
- "Jive Talkin'"
- "I'll drop what I'm doing and work on your problem."

They were all made by No Boundaries, if that helps.
posted by bbrown at 8:31 PM on July 28, 2005

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