Is discounted "courier" air fare still available?
July 25, 2005 10:49 PM

Has the courier option fallen prey to 9/11 security, or is it still possible to travel at heavily discounted prices?

Used to be, you could sign up with an agency and get listings on a host of destinations needing couriers -- because it was cheaper to use a passenger's baggage allowance than ship it without. You signed for the package but in no other way were you responsible for it. Your reward was a heavily discounted ticket, though the popularity of destinations tended to affect the level of discount. If you had free time and flexibility, it seemed an excellent way to do spontaneous travel.

Has anyone done it lately? Does it even still exist as it did? Also: destination lists were always a closed affair, making it difficult to compare agencies. If they're still around, can anyone recommend one personally?
posted by dreamsign to Travel & Transportation
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