Essay about ball lightning?
June 3, 2012 1:18 PM

Help me find this essay about lightning!

I remember reading an essay about fear of lightning in my freshman-year literature textbook. I believe it was by either James Thurber, EB White or Robert Benchley (or someone with similar chops from that era). It explicitly described an episode with ball lightning, and was written in the first person.

Ring any bells? My google-fu is failing me.
posted by apparently to Grab Bag (2 answers total)
Sure you're not thinking of Herman Melville's story The Lighting Rod Man?
posted by beagle at 2:59 PM on June 19, 2012

It's not The Lightning Rod Man. Thanks, though.

I remember a few more details about it: I think it might have been titled "Why I Am [Afraid of Lightning]" or similar. The essay recounts several lightning incidents, including lightning coming through a telephone wire and a hovering ball of lightning. The author seems to think that lightning is seeking him. The incidents occur on Long Island.
posted by apparently at 8:42 AM on July 3, 2012

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