How do I promote the final few days of my Kickstarter project?
April 25, 2012 1:15 PM

What are some specific ways that I can promote a soon-to-expire Kickstarter project? I've heard that projects sometimes gain momentum from that "act now!" boost, but how do I tap into that segment of the funding crowd?

I'm a psychologist trying to fund a book that will help demystify the psychotherapy process for people. Oh, and I got married right in the middle of the funding period - a wonderful idea from a quality of life standpoint, but maybe not so great in terms of devoting time and attention to promoting my project!

A search revealed some general promotional ideas, but I'm wondering whether any of you have ideas to push the last few days. Thanks!
posted by apollo to Human Relations (6 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Use Twitter, Facebook, Google+ to promote it. Emphasize the fact that the deadline is looming and you're pushing to get to the funded level. Ask your friends to signal boost. Of course, this is a balancing act; don't be too pushy/spammy about it.
posted by asciident at 1:25 PM on April 25, 2012

For our Kickstarter, literally, Facebook was the thing. Something insane like 90% of our funders came to the page via FB. You have got to share it out there, b/c that FB link is what makes it soooo easy. Don't have to make an account, b/c you just sign in with Facebook. Barely have to think about paying b/c it's done via Amazon.
posted by Medieval Maven at 1:38 PM on April 25, 2012

In my previous experience (an artistic project), just the simple fact that the campaign is ending soon finally gave our fans the momentum to actually give. People put off doing things, and when the firm deadline approaches, they finally act. Similarly, if they are worried you won't meet your goal and the clock is ticking, they are extra motivated to help.

Just keep pushing everything out via your email list and social networks, while being VERY specific that they have X days or hours left, and emphasize if you don't hit the goal, you get nothing (many fans may not realize that). Encourage your fans/friends/family to re-post. Post project updates in Kickstarter (to everyone), including your current backers, and specifically request they share the project as well. If they already gave, they're more likely to share it, since they are emotionally invested in seeing it succeed too.

In order to keep having things to talk about during all of that social network posting, I did a lot of interviews (text and videos) with the parties related to the project and its past iterations, as well as photo albums. It was new content related to the campaign, so it was less spammy than just a constant update of "X days left, give now!!".

Stats that may support this and/or make this less nail-biting to you: We raised 123% of our goal, with a 45-day campaign. (I wish it had been shorter - more momentum and less anxiety.) There was a notable uptick 5 days before the campaign ended (we went from 79% of our goal to 93% of our goal in one day, after posting that we had less than a week left), and 17% of our total pledges came in the final 24 hours.

Best of luck reaching your goal!
posted by soleiluna at 1:40 PM on April 25, 2012

I did a kickstarter once. It failed but I did learn a few things along the way. Definitely use Facebook and other social media to promote it. Sometimes people are inclined to think that they need to donate a substantial amount when in reality if everyone you knew gave $2, you'd probably have more than enough funding. Let them know that every dollar counts. Definitely mention that you don't get a dime if you don't hit 100%. The two most useful pieces of information came to me too late. First, if you know anyone that works in fundraising, talk to them. They are a wealth of information regarding situations such as yours. Secondly, I can't believe I didn't think of this at the time, but see if you can find a rich uncle or someone who has the dime to make up whatever difference you need in the final hour that'll put you at your goal. That way you'll get all your donations and you can reimburse this person after you get the funds you need. Hey, some money is better than no money. Just remember, and I'm sure you're aware, you cannot donate to yourself. Best of luck to you and why on Earth have you not even mentioned it in this thread where a giant community of people might be willing to donate?! Tell EVERYONE you know about it!
posted by smeater44 at 10:35 PM on April 25, 2012

Reach out to everyone you know, and ask them to reach out to their friends. Possibly with a refined pitch. Ask people to contribute again! Post updates and tweet/facebook them. Add new incentives.

And remember ... if you are close to 100% you can always kick in the last chunk yourself (rather than loose the amount already raised) ... which I think happens more than anyone is willing to admit.
posted by jannw at 4:21 AM on April 26, 2012

There is a metafilter curated page on Kickstarter, where all MeFi projects can be seen. I know some MeFites donated to us, so check that out.

ALSO. We did a live webcast and tweeted the everliving crap out of it (and FB) for the last couple or three hours of our Kickstarter. We made some money at the end of the thing, from people who we were just ENTERTAINING by being crazy on the internet. WHO'S GONNA GIVE US ANOTHER $35 DOLLARS! C'MON! WE'RE AWESOME.

Strangely this works.
posted by Medieval Maven at 6:53 AM on April 26, 2012

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