Can you tell me about lasik in Philadelphia?
April 10, 2012 9:48 AM

Have you had laser eye surgery in Philadelphia? Can you tell me your overall experiences? Can anyone tell me the approximate costs for the surgery and the normal year's worth of check-ups required, and can you recommend a provider in this area?

I'm thinking about finally getting the surgery. Doctor said I would be a good candidate last year. I can max my FSA to $2,500 and reserve probably $1,500-2,000 of it. My insurance also gives me 15% off, so I think my husband and I can swing the rest out of pocket, depending on how much it costs.

FWIW, I'm 27 year old, and currently my vision is stable at -5.50 and -5.75. I've been wearing glasses since preschool and cannot remember a time I could see clearly without correction. Contacts have started to irritate my eyes more (only because I wear them for too long) than they did when I was young. I'm eager to see again! Thanks in advance!
posted by two lights above the sea to Health & Fitness (2 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
I had lasik last month at the LasikPlus facility in king of prussia. Insurance took 15% off but I'm still footing a ~3600 bill (for two eyes). This cost is all-inclusive, even to the extent of further adjustments in the far future. They offer financing at 0% interest if you can pay it off in a year.

I'm very pleased and the lifestyle benefits are totally worth much more than that bill, to me. I was able to see nearly perfectly as soon as the next day. I'm about a month in, and there are a few residual side effects, but nothing that interferes with my life more than contacts ever did. The facility and staff were clean and helpful, as well as explanatory, which was very important to me.

If you have specific questions memail me.
posted by MangyCarface at 10:06 AM on April 10, 2012

I should correct my post, as I mucked up my insurance info. Just in case it matters, I can go to Sheie Eye Institute (or any other Sheie provider) and get $1000 off OR I can go to a Davis Vision Provider and get 25% off. Thanks again!
posted by two lights above the sea at 11:45 AM on April 10, 2012

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