Can "Where Seconds Count" a REACT/Red Cross training video be seen online or otherwise found?
March 24, 2012 1:21 PM

Someone I know who is a volunteer would like a copy of the REACT/Red Cross produced video "Where Seconds Count". He had been told he could view it online, but repeated online searches have failed to find it, and neither the Red Cross nor individual REACT organizations seem to be selling physical copies via their websites. I've been trying to help him find it, but have had no luck. Anybody?

It may be "out of print" seeing as how it was initially produced in 1972:
"From 1970 to 1972, the Ohio REACT Emergency Network was formed, the same date that channel 9 became an official emergency channel under FCC rules. This network issued several reports to state and federal agencies to show the relationship between REACT and channel 9 as the emergency channel. This led to the later formation of the Ohio State REACT Council as a pattern for future Councils. REACT colors were changed to orange and black. The Red Cross agreement was reached and "Where Seconds Count" was produced. Dues were $1.00 per member with a $5.00 charter fee. All teams - new and existing - were issued a charter number. Teams chartered in 1970 are charter teams and designated with a "C" front of their numbers."
I'm presuming it's been re-issued multiple times in multiple media formats since then (he mentioned having had a VHS tape of it which got left behind in a move). Or that perhaps "Where Seconds Count" is now considered obsolete, and there is a more recent similar video which is recommended for volunteers for REACT and similar organizations to watch.
posted by bunky to Media & Arts (2 answers total)

I'd try checking with

and not being shocked when you're told it's totally out of date or something like that.
posted by jgreco at 2:20 PM on March 24, 2012

Check with your local ARES/RACES chapter. Many hams got their start on CB, and they tend to be incredible packrats when it comes to keeping old stuff.
posted by scruss at 3:37 PM on March 24, 2012

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