Estate sale across the continent
March 13, 2012 4:05 PM

Recommendations for estate sale companies in the Portland, OR area? Bonus question: Dealing with estate sales from a distance?

My inlaws passed away last year and my husband and his brother are trying to sort out the aftermath. My inlaws lived for 40 years in the same house in a suburb of Portland, OR. The house is full of belongings.

My husband and his brother each have a pretty good idea of the stuff they'd like to keep, and each of them plans to put some time toward clearing out the place. But both men live thousands of miles from the house in question, and clearing it out is a really really big job, and it would be good to have help.

Any recommendations for specific companies that operate in the suburbs of Portland?

Also, there are Many previous questions on AskMe about estate sales, but none I've found address dealing with this from a distance. Any thoughts, recommendations, warnings?
posted by Sublimity to Home & Garden (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Are you going to sell the house? Get a recommendation from a realtor.
posted by andreap at 4:54 PM on March 13, 2012

Have you looked at It's where Portland area estate sale companies list their sales. I've only dealt with them as a buyer though. You can at least check out their websites to see if they might fit.

Some have a more polished appearance (Peerless) and some have sales because they price very reasonably (Senior One). Betty Chisum sales are usually well run. There's only one company whose sales I avoid because the owner was rude to me more than once (memail me if you'd like the name.)
posted by vespabelle at 8:20 PM on March 13, 2012

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