Best way to sell baseball cards?
July 10, 2005 3:11 PM

Baseball Cards: What's the best way to sell a small collection of all stars and rookies from the 80s and 90s?

A few years ago I sold off most of my old baseball cards, but held onto some of the all stars and rookies. Now, after yet another move, I'm ready to get rid of those, too. I don't want to hassle with it too much beyond making a checklist, but I don't want to lose too much of the value the cards might have. Would I be better off selling them on eBay or going to a dealer (are there still dealers?) to get rid of them? Should I sell them as a lot or as individual cards? There are maybe 200 cards total from the overproduction years of the 80s and early 90s.
posted by ahughey to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (1 answer total)
If you list one lot on eBay, it would save you time and would be only one fee to have to pay. You probably wouldn't get the best price for the whole collection; although from an investment point of view, it might be a nice return on what you paid. I have talked to a few dealers within a year or so, and it seems like the real money is in "graded" carded. Somehow, the markey on these cards is hugely inflated for the top grades. If you sell to a dealer, he may only offer 50-60% of the cards' listed value.

So, it really is a crapshoot, as far as I can tell. Maybe list them on craigslist and see what happens...
posted by achmorrison at 9:33 PM on July 10, 2005

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