1850 German Culture
July 5, 2005 11:25 PM

German Culture circa 1850. Where on-line can I find information about daily life for a German child born 1847?

I'm interested in what daily life, society, education, home, etc. would have been like for a child in Germany around 1847 - 1852, or as close to that time as I can get. Failing that, then information about conditions for a child aboard an immigration ship during 1852 would be great. I would like to flesh out the brief life of one of my ancestors. Thank you!
posted by LadyBonita to Society & Culture (3 answers total)
Here's an 1837 birth. Chapter III on Festal Days should be useful.
posted by tellurian at 12:23 AM on July 6, 2005

One of many accounts to be found of the voyage of the immigrant ship Maria in 1851-1852. I hope your ancestor wasn't on that. If so, they were lucky to survive.
So while we were at sea, we received rations for a person for the whole week as follows: 8 measures of oat flour, 1/2 measure of wheat flour, 2 measures of moldy and almost green rice, enough of inedible biscuits, 2 ozs of salted meat full of bones and suitable only for dogs, 1/2 gal.of water per adult (1/4 gal. for each child) for cooking and drinking, 1/2 measure tea and sugar (substandard).
Finally, even our strength collapsed because of the lack of water, for we did not know if we should keep the water received for drinking or should we use it for cooking. The children cried of thirst and [we] gave them water by teaspoons. Even yet I can't think about how these miserable little creatures begged for a drop of water.

posted by tellurian at 1:02 AM on July 6, 2005

Very interesting reading, thank you both. I'll search further and appreciate your posts.
posted by LadyBonita at 1:56 PM on July 6, 2005

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