Snowblower, go die.
January 19, 2012 11:53 AM

It's supposed to snow tonight, last time it snowed in the middle of the night I got woken up at 5:30AM by a large industrial snowblower from the luxury condos across the street.

I'm sure that this machine woke a bunch of people up. If it happens again, am I within my rights to call the cops? Is there a special noise complaints number? I live in Boston.
posted by pwally to Human Relations (13 answers total)

And that's a wrap folks.
posted by pwally at 11:59 AM on January 19, 2012

16-26.13 Exemptions.

c. Noise which a person is making or causing to be made where such person has received and maintains a valid license or permit therefor from any department, board or commission of the City authorized to issue such license or permit; provided, however, that such noise shall be permitted only to the extent allowed by the license or permit.

Looks like this could be what allows the snowblower to operate at that time.
posted by Ardiril at 12:12 PM on January 19, 2012

Also, you may have luck asking their doormen/maintainance to start snowblowering at 7am instead of 5:30... That fits in with the City of Boston ordinance quoted above, and the guys doing the work probably aren't aware it's illegal to be loud that early.
posted by larthegreat at 12:16 PM on January 19, 2012

Looks like this could be what allows the snowblower to operate at that time.

It could also very well be what allows one to bust them for operating their equipment outside of the hours they're permitted to do so.
posted by LionIndex at 12:30 PM on January 19, 2012

You are always within your rights to call the cops, just as it is the cops' decision whether to show up in a timely manner.
posted by Ardiril at 12:57 PM on January 19, 2012

Hopefully Boston doesn't treat it like Cambridge does:
Noise from City owned or privately owned snow removal equipment or snowplows is generally allowed.
posted by FreezBoy at 1:05 PM on January 19, 2012

Pretty much everywhere I've lived (MA, CT, MD, PA, NY) that has significant snow turns a blind eye to the noise of snow removal in the middle of the night. Ditto trash collection.

From a practical standpoint: it is much easier to remove the snow before it has been trampled and when there aren't people out and about. It also ensures that no one has to tramp through the snow. So snowblowers, snow plows, and so on happen in the middle of the night or early morning.

Yes, it sucks being woken up that early in the morning, but it ensures that the snow is cleared.

You can complain about it to the city but it is extremely unlikely that anything will result from complaints.
posted by sciencegeek at 1:46 PM on January 19, 2012

Seconding sciencegeek. City ordinance demands I have to shovel my sidewalk after it snows. I'm a night owl. In many cases, by the time I'm awake to realize it's snowed and get the shovel, enough foot traffic has gone by that it's a royal pain in the ass to scoop it all up.
posted by Heretical at 3:08 PM on January 19, 2012

Don't be surprised if you're told that the inconvenience from the noise of a snow blower is outweighed by the necessity for people to be able to get out of a residence, pass on a sidewalk, and clear a fire hydrant.
posted by NotMyselfRightNow at 4:03 PM on January 19, 2012

Earplugs at bedtime. :-)
posted by exphysicist345 at 4:25 PM on January 19, 2012

Even if you call them so what? You're still awake. Earplugs and forget about it.
posted by Ideefixe at 6:06 PM on January 19, 2012

In my area (Ontario, so not useful but I will give my opinion anyway) our local laws exempt snow removal from noise bylaws. Mow your lawn at 745 am on a saturday, ticket. Use a snowblower and ice pick at 4 am, no problem. I would be shocked if a city as snowy as Boston didn't make similar allowances.
posted by saradarlin at 8:16 PM on January 19, 2012

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