What are good ideas for a first anniversary?
January 5, 2012 1:04 AM

First anniversary approaching! Complete lack of ideas of how to celebrate! Heeeeeeeelp!

It's the impending first anniversary of myself and my SO and I am at a complete loss as to what to do to celebrate it so am querying the green to see what the concensus is; what makes the perfect, romantic first anniversary? I don't want it to be just a "here y'go, have a present" kind of thing, but would like it to actually mean something.

Relevant info - I'm 32, she's 26. In the UK. She's very outdoorsy, I am to a lesser extent. First anniversary of being together, not married.
posted by Mrevilbreakfast to Human Relations (10 answers total)
Eat awesome food, drink awesome booze, have awesome sex.

It's really not that difficult.
posted by BitterOldPunk at 1:06 AM on January 5, 2012

As above, but I'd add a token/reference to how you met, or how you got together.
posted by jacalata at 1:13 AM on January 5, 2012

What BitterOldPunk said, plus write the sweetest, cheesiest things you can think of in a card. Write it's "the first of many". I bet she keeps it forever.
posted by superfish at 1:32 AM on January 5, 2012

All of the above plus roses (or sometimes tulips, because my wife loves them) have made our 20 anniversaries since meeting perfectly meaningful, but it helps to toss in nice things you may not do very often otherwise to make it more memorable. Obvious, simple candidates include lighting candles at home or dressing up nicely for dinner out. But I've taken my wife dancing at a nightclub, cooked special dinners for her, taken her to offbeat destinations in town, etc. Since you're a little outdoorsy, you might go out someplace you're unlikely to visit again and just walk around, but surprise her with something small while you're there. Depending on your personalities: jewelry, a song or poem, an absurd corsage, a loaded hip flask ... you get the idea.
posted by Monsieur Caution at 2:11 AM on January 5, 2012

Buy her a star.
posted by These Birds of a Feather at 3:00 AM on January 5, 2012

Is there a nice indoor garden near by? A walk or ice cream there as a stage for presenting the card/gift would be a nice touch.

Our first anniversary was all about doing something different. We're jeans-and-chucks kind of people, so we went and got super glitzed for an evening. It was really really fun.
posted by Blisterlips at 3:19 AM on January 5, 2012

Have a candlelit picnic on your living room floor.
posted by argonauta at 4:37 AM on January 5, 2012

Seconding dressing up, whatever you do. It happens so rarely for most people that the mere fact of doing it marks an occasion.
posted by Dragonness at 6:48 AM on January 5, 2012

It really depends what both of you love to do together or think of as romantic, but here are a few ideas:
Take a weekend trip away.
Each plan a surprise activity that you think the other person would love.
Re-enact your first date.
If you like to cook, cook a fancy dinner together.
If you live together or sleep over often, buy soft new sheets and spend the morning snuggling in them. Maybe have breakfast in bed.
posted by chickenmagazine at 6:54 AM on January 5, 2012

While being married, we celebrated a belated anniversary when we were in Vegas. DH suprised me with a reservation at the Paris hotel restaurant. Amazing view, we dressed up, nice wine, great dinner, very romantic and special. To me it had the elements of :

we would love to see Paris one day
special treat (expensive but nothing we wouldn't have spent at a special place at home)

Way better than a gift.

Perhaps if you can't travel maybe a nice hotel in town with a great view
Rent a weekend cottage (romantic)
are there any nature preserves near you? make a romantic day
is skiing possible? outdoors, active, fun (to me when people are together and having a time of their lives, that is romance)

Good luck and happy anniversary.
posted by stormpooper at 7:11 AM on January 5, 2012

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