New years eve in Seattle
December 31, 2011 8:21 PM

My plans for new years eve might be falling through due to flaky friends. Where can a single lady go in Seattle to have a fun (and not too crazy) new years eve celebration?
posted by lockstitch to Society & Culture (3 answers total)
The house party I'm headed to will probably be medium crazy; there will be drinks and dancing, and it will be largely populated by graduate students. The invitation said bring a friend, which could possibly be stretched to include "fellow Mefite." Memail if interested.
posted by fermion at 9:45 PM on December 31, 2011

I'm at the same party as fermion—fairly calm so far, if you'd like to come by.
posted by JiBB at 10:37 PM on December 31, 2011

Thanks! A friend did come through in the end. Appreciate the invite so much! Mefites are so great.
posted by lockstitch at 11:28 PM on December 31, 2011

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