Robben Ford's "Handful of Blues" Guitar Tablature
December 23, 2011 8:39 PM

Please help me find an out-of-print songbook of guitar tablature by the blues artist Robben Ford.

I am asking this question on behalf of my dear old Dad, who does not have the greatest google-fu.

I am looking for "Handful of Blues," the songbook in guitar tablature form, by the blues guitarist Robben Ford. Here is a link for the songbook, displaying it's out-of-print status and unavailability.

I am at a loss as to how to locate this songbook. I have tried eBay and even more unsavory search engines...

Any help or advice on places to look (internet or physical) would be most appreciated.
posted by nonmerci to Media & Arts (3 answers total)
Well, showed me that had a used copy at some point in the recent past. Listed price was 102 dollars. The Google cache of's page showed one on December 1 going for $168. Neither is listed any more, so apparently they sell at these prices. They must show up infrequently, but they are showing up. Unfortunately, there also appears to be a demand for them.

I've had some luck finding hard-to-locate books by adding them to a wishlist. The list lasts about a year, if I remember right. You can add a preferred price, if you like. I assume Amazon has a similar system. Once someone lists a book, you get an email. I don't know if they hold it for you, or if it's first-come, first served.

Alternately, do libraries lend out sheet music? That might be your best bet, if you're not looking to shell out big cash for it.

Good luck.
posted by themanwho at 11:18 PM on December 23, 2011

You might try asking at the the Robben Ford Forum. Good luck!
posted by CKZ at 11:20 PM on December 23, 2011

Thank you, themanwho, for doing a search even I'm not very good at (cache searches)--this is very helpful, and you're right, my dad doesn't want to spend almost $200 on it.

The library could be a good option, if they do lend sheet music. I'll have to look into it.

CKZ, thank you as well--I think it'd be a good idea for my dad to see if anyone is willing to share it with him, as opposed to straight up re-selling.
posted by nonmerci at 10:14 AM on December 24, 2011

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