Best way to learn Excel (from scratch) for entry-level actuarial work?
December 21, 2011 11:17 PM

Two actuarial exams passed, writing resume and CV, need to learn Excel fairly well, for basic entry-level actuarial work. Any book recommendations? Or other learning modules? What's the best approach? I'm fairly competent at learning technical things.
posted by brighteyes7 to Technology (6 answers total) 26 users marked this as a favorite
I favorited this thread from last month - Help me become a spreadsheet power user. I found the links from dfriedman to the Contextures and Debra Dagleish sites to be very useful and full of interesting information.
posted by ralan at 3:59 AM on December 22, 2011

Excel Everest.

I've played with Excel Everest a few times and found it engaging and sufficiently detailed. The fact that the course is Excel-based is a plus, too.

If you need an argument from authority to spur you into action, I've heard that Google use this…

I see there's a demo version you can try, so that might be worth doing first.
posted by fakelvis at 4:01 AM on December 22, 2011

Here is a blog that might be of interest:
posted by jim in austin at 4:40 AM on December 22, 2011

Chandoo is one of my favorite online Excel resources. His advanced stuff is awesome, and he also has basic Excel training as well.
posted by Gorgik at 5:36 AM on December 22, 2011

Yeah the links I provided in that other thread referenced above are the ones you want.
posted by dfriedman at 5:46 AM on December 22, 2011

Thanks everyone! :)
posted by brighteyes7 at 1:51 PM on December 22, 2011

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