Looking For Early 70's Jazz Album
December 7, 2011 9:45 PM

Looking for Jonah Jones album. Don't know the title .

Jonah Jones Quartet. Album came out in early 70's. Very pop art. Album was mostly white. Man lounging in chair with a multicolored striped trumpet where his head should be. One hand holding it and the other hand playing. Very LSD like. Not finding it in cursory on-line searches
posted by goalyeehah to Media & Arts (2 answers total)
According to All Music.com, the only Jonah Jones album released in the early 70s was Back on the Street. The All Music listing for Jones doesn't have much of the cover art except that one and the I Dig Chicks album from the 50s.
posted by birdherder at 10:50 PM on December 7, 2011

Here ya go.

FYI- Did a Google image search "Jonah Jones Album" and chose the main image color as white.
posted by littlesq at 11:47 PM on December 7, 2011

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