Arabic Hallmark
December 5, 2011 4:01 PM

Help me translate the Arabic hallmark on this silver box.

My grandmother has a silver box from Lebanon or thereabouts from around World War I. Pictures here. Can anyone translate the arabic? We think there might be numerals rather than/in addition to letters.

posted by -->NMN.80.418 to Grab Bag (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
From left to right, the numerals look like 3 and 7 to me, but I can't make out the letters. It's definitely a 7, but I'm not so sure about the 3.
posted by yasaman at 4:51 PM on December 5, 2011

If you turn the picture upside down, you can see the numbers "۸۶" (86) and the letters that look like they spell "حواح", the last of which is cut off.
posted by Nomyte at 5:05 PM on December 5, 2011

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