hip hop help
December 1, 2011 10:06 AM

Help me find good hip hop podcasts!

So it looks like this question hasn't been asked for several years. I'm looking for some hip hop podcasts that don't feature a shit ton of misogyny and violence. So far I really love the Soul Controllers out of D.C., which is a lot of old school stuff (Tribe, De la, and earlier). I also like newer stuff and some underground stuff. I don't like anything on the radio ever. I like Mad Decent and some HVW8 shows. I like artists like The Roots, Mr Lif, KRS-1, Mos Def, all the really old school stuff like Marly Marl, etc. Suggestions are much appreciated.
posted by stinker to Media & Arts (3 answers total) 11 users marked this as a favorite
Not podcasts, but I keep finding some good stuff (though it can be hit or miss) on Good Music All Day*. Mixtapes are here. You can download their weekly "Best Of" in a single file too.

*warning: occasional dubstep
posted by mireille at 10:58 AM on December 1, 2011

Also not technically a podcast, but maybe you'd enjoy the archived shows from Coffee Break for Heroes and Villains on WFMU - all the playlists are given, so you'll get the idea if it's your kind of thing pretty quickly. The same DJ curates the Coffee 2 Go podcast, specifically underground material, though I haven't heard any shows and can't vouch for it.
posted by metaman livingblog at 1:38 PM on December 1, 2011

The Stones Throw podcast is relatively infrequent but impressive. Being Stones Throw, it's a bit more beat-focused than emcee-focused, but worth checking out.
posted by sleeping bear at 7:33 PM on December 1, 2011

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