SkinCareFilter: How to bring my sexy back?
November 23, 2011 12:13 PM

It's party dress time again, and I have a fantastic strapless, floor-length, tiered black chiffon number to wear to my office Christmas party. (Overdressed much?) Please tell me what I can do over the next 11 days to brighten up my skin, and particularly the skin on my back, so that my fellow employees aren't murmuring to each other, "So THAT's why she always wears a suit."

Further notes that may or may not be relevant. I'm of the Asian variety that has a perpetual light tan even though I slather on the daily sunscreen moisturizer and don't spend much time in the sun. I'm on the later side of my 30s and I have a two-year-old, so things are not as bouncy and tight as they used to be. I spent some time contorting myself in the bathroom last night to try to assess my back, and can say that I have some unevenness in skin tone and some acne, but no crazy visible dark hairs.

Also, general comments on a back care routine would be much appreciated. As I get older, I'm discovering that "skin care" does not only mean "facial skin care."
posted by sillymama to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (22 answers total) 14 users marked this as a favorite
Get two of these (I've seen them in dollar stores) and a bottle of Head & Shoulders (the dark blue one with selenium) and use them in the shower to clean and exfoliate your back.

Why do you need two? Because after you've used one, you need to make sure it's properly washed out and clean and dry so it doesn't harbour bacteria (which would defeat the object).
posted by essexjan at 12:20 PM on November 23, 2011

What about a back facial? Or just exfoliate and lightly moisturise now and once or twice again but not too close to the event. Also, some bronzing powder lightly applied on the night. Go you sexy thing!
posted by taff at 12:22 PM on November 23, 2011

I've never tried it, but I've heard that Neutrogena Body Clear Body Wash is supposed to be great for preventing back/chest acne (it's got salicylic acid).
posted by jabes at 12:23 PM on November 23, 2011

I'm going to be totally unhealthy here and say what I would do- tanning salon. Unless done immediately exfoliation might leave OP with a lot of redness and yuckiness depending on the state of the back... tanning a few times will lessen any errupting pimples and blend any acne scarring.
posted by misspony at 12:27 PM on November 23, 2011

Seconding a back facial, and also a facial for your face. Caveat: Don't do this the day before the party as a facial can leave you red and blotchy for a day or two (a GOOD facial won't leave you looking like a boiled lobster, though - and a good esthetician will be gentle and not pick or squeeze if you tell her not to).

I used this product - Olay Regenerist Thermal Mini-Peel - before I started with Retin-A and couldn't anymore - on my face, back and upper arms and it was wonderful stuff; it left my skin clear and soft and glowing, plus the heat was a nice pampering treat.

If you can get someone to help apply it to your back, try an exfoliating mask - like Alba Botanicals Pineapple mini-peel (drugstore) or Ren Glycolactic Renewal mask (OMGexpensive but worth every penny if you can swing it) - for 10 minutes, rinse, then a clay mask (Boots is a good one), rinse; the combination of exfoliant and clay sluffs off the surface gunk and pulls out the stuff from the pores. (Again, do this a few days before the party, not the day of; your skin needs to rest and recover.)
posted by Rosie M. Banks at 12:28 PM on November 23, 2011

just caught the uneven skin bit- maybe icsnay on the salon if its pigmentation (depending on your experiences with the sun)- but try out some self tanner?
posted by misspony at 12:29 PM on November 23, 2011


Other than that, I got nothin'. I'm sure your coworkers won't even notice.
posted by The Master and Margarita Mix at 12:29 PM on November 23, 2011

Fake tanning might help, if you're into that. It'll make the skintone look more even, but may turn out orangey on you, depending on the product, your technique, your skin, etc.

Yes, exfoliate. Moisturize with something nice and plush (I like the Body Shop's body butters) afterwards. Vitamin C serums and Retin-A are (each separately, not sure about using them together) supposed to help brighten skin. Though I guess that could get expensive if you're using it on your neck/back.

An aspirin mask is cheap and would probably help too. (Take maybe 5 uncoated aspirin in your palm, dissolve them with a few drops of warm water to form a loose paste. Apply as is on your back and wait for it to dry, then shower off. The granules scrub and the asprin... bright-ifies, somehow. Can also mix the paste into some plain yogurt for a moisturizing/soothing feel. Google for more deets, lots of people do this.)

Don't go overboard with the exfoliating, and don't use all the methods together. 3-4x a week is plenty, less if you have sensitive skin.

On the day of the event, brush on a luminescent powder like this one over your neck and back. (Some other company's version is probably also fine, that's just the one I use and like.) Be careful not to get it on your dress, but I find it adds a "soft-focus" look to my skin. An "HD" powder (like MakeUp Forever's) would have a similar, less glowy effect. The Body Shop also has a Vitamin E face cream that has some pearlization to it, which is not too expensive, and could be rubbed on face/neck/back area to create a similar look with perhaps less mess.

Most importantly, have fun at the party! All this is just so YOU feel better about it, your coworkers will be too busy merry-making to closely examine your neck. :)
posted by miss_kitty_fantastico at 12:38 PM on November 23, 2011

another thing that will make your sking look more even is contrast - wear an interesting dangly necklace backwards
posted by 5_13_23_42_69_666 at 1:12 PM on November 23, 2011

sking? skin. nuts.
posted by 5_13_23_42_69_666 at 1:15 PM on November 23, 2011

Seriously, the best body exfoliators (and I've tried quite a few) are Korean Italy Towels. Use with any clear-type body wash. Absolutely amazing. I've purchased from this seller four times (once for me plus three gifts). The different colors have differing levels of "roughness"-- blue is the strongest, green milder, and yellow mildest. You scrub hard, harder than you think you should. It itches for a bit but goes away before you're done with your shower. You're left with the smoothest skin you can imagine, and for less than $5 (seriously fast shipping too-- think days, not weeks). Whatever moisturizer you use will work better after the intense exfoliation.
posted by mireille at 1:44 PM on November 23, 2011

Hi everyone,

Thanks for all of your comments; they are all very helpful.

I exfoliate daily with Paula's Choice 2% BHA Lotion, and weekly with her Weekly Resurfacing Treatment. I am heartily embarassed to admit that it never occurred to me to use either of these products anywhere other than my face. Rosie M. Banks, thank you for the suggestion of the Olay Regenerist Thermal Mini-Peel; I will look for it this evening at the drugstore (London Drugs or Shoppers Drug Mart in Canada).

I can experiment with some bronzing product this weekend. Are drugstore varieties basically all the same?

Regarding luminescent powder, wouldn't that make me look shiny in pictures? (I swear, I am not usually this self-involved. For some reason, the girly-girl princess is strong in me this season.)

I'm planning to wear a fabulous Amrita Singh bib necklace (50% off site-wide right now, people!!), so the reverse neck hardware, while a great idea, will be filed away for next year.
posted by sillymama at 1:48 PM on November 23, 2011

Some powders will make you look a bit shiny (esp if you have oily skin) but some won't -- depends how finely they're milled and how much luminescent-stuff they put in. I never find mine make me look shiny, just more of a sunny-glow kind of deal, but YMVV. If you're in a city with a Sephora, check out Bare Escentual's Mineral Veil, maybe get a sample of it it try at home. (The HD powders on the other hand won't make you look shiny, they're apparently designed for Hollywood cameras or whatever.)

IMO, all drug store tanners are NOT equal. I've had good results with L'Oreal Sublime Glow (both the lighter and darker versions). It's meant to go on a few days in a row to build the tan, so I find it less streaky/splotchy or orangey than some others.
posted by miss_kitty_fantastico at 2:15 PM on November 23, 2011

Exfoliate - I use a BufPuf. And use lots of moisturizer. A tanning session might be nice, if that's something you like to do.
posted by theora55 at 2:16 PM on November 23, 2011

Won't help you by 11 days time, but perhaps next year: 6oz 10% AHA for $16 and a body buddy, from

I know, it's not an acne issue, but this AHA (alpha hydroxy acid) formulation works great for me for clearing up skin in general and lightening up dark spots (from inflammation from ingrown hairs, &c). And extremely cheap inexpensive, especially compared to lower concentration AHA formulations in tiny quantities from the pharmacy.
posted by porpoise at 2:31 PM on November 23, 2011

Bikram yoga-- even 2 or 3 sessions, will make your skin clearer and more beautiful than any other method of which I know. Any kind of hydrotherapy and steam is also incredibly helpful. Go raw/vegan/organic/on a juice fast and watch your skin clear like crazy. It's more effective to clean your system from the inside out rather than to use cosmetic fixes.
posted by devymetal at 5:37 PM on November 23, 2011

Try out a one day self tanner. I have to use them because the main ingredient in the self tanners that build over time give me a horrible itchy rash. A one day tanner is great because you can see what it looks like as you apply it and if you screw up it just washes off. Here is one, though I haven't used this brand so can't vouch for it. If you do decide to use a self tanner, it's also worth it to get an application glove.
posted by triggerfinger at 6:55 PM on November 23, 2011

This lotion is awesome! It's not a tanner, just a little like make up for your body. It washes off and smells amazing!
posted by JacksonandFinch at 7:02 PM on November 23, 2011

Clinique's got a body acne spray that you put on after a shower that is miraculously good on bacne!
posted by shazzam! at 7:23 PM on November 23, 2011

Not exactly back care but what about wearing your hair down? (Or just part up?) Depending on how long it is it will cover up at least some of your bare skin plus distract from/conceal unevenness.
posted by abitha! at 1:27 PM on November 25, 2011

Popping in to say that I will report back faithfully after next Saturday night. Things I will be doing until then:

*drink lots of water, cut back on the carbs, and cut out the gluten
*alternate exfoliation methods between the 10% AHA lotion I already have on hand and the Neutrogena Acne Treatment
*relax in the steam room after my gym workouts
*experiment with luminescent powder and self tanners
posted by sillymama at 9:42 PM on November 25, 2011

Uh, okay, it's been a month, and one of my New Year's resolutions is to work on my procrastinating tendencies, so, better late than never?

I exfoliated in the shower with a drugstore bath puff, and used Paula's Choice Skin Revealing Body Lotion with 10% AHA afterward. I think it helped, but a caution: do not use over broken skin! I had a small scrape on my arm from whacking it against a wall corner, and the lotion stung like mad over the scraped skin.

An old bottle of Cargo Liquid Powder was lurking in the bottom of my makeup box, so I smoothed that over my neck, chest, upper back and arms to even out my skin and provide a bit of luminescence.

A few days prior, I did try to apply a clay mask, but my husband was unavailable and I'm less flexible than I used to be, so I missed a good bit in the middle of my back. Oh well.

The self-tanners were a no-go. I tried two but both were a little streaky and not suited to my skin tone.

I have ordered the Korean Italy towels suggested by mireille.

I had a lovely time, and received several compliments. Thanks, all!
posted by sillymama at 8:55 PM on January 1, 2012

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