Cooks on Alaskas' North Slope
November 2, 2011 1:57 PM

Alaska / North Slope Filter: Is there a month or time of the year when there is a greater opportunity to land a culinary job on Alaskas' North Slope or offshore oil services industry in this area?

I'm aware of the unique employment conditions in this environment. I also have found websites that give quite a bit of information about working in this area and have talked to people who work up there in other fields. I know about the preference given to Alaska residents and Native Alaskans.

If you have experience working in the culinary field in this area specifically I would be interested in your input on when the best time of the year to seek work there would be. What is the general state of the culinary employment scene there right now? Jobs available?

I'm looking for catering / culinary employment in the oil services industry, not a job at a restaurant, hotel, fishing lodge or fly in resort camp.

Any other specifics or input greatly appreciated.

As long as there are opportunities, I am reasonably confident that I am qualified and wile enough to secure a position. I know about the Sanitation Cetificate which is easy to get once I am in Alaska. I am qualified from a culinary standpoint. I also have a current TWIC card, Marsec Certification and Red Cross First Responder Certification.

I'm feeling like a bit of an adventure. Going up there with the very real intention of working but not really being too concerned if it just ends up being an adventure. It's the onset of winter. Just a crazy time to go up there. I have a nice cushion so its not a 'have to get work scenario.' What is likely to be the outcome of my job-seeking lark there?
posted by Muirwylde to Work & Money (2 answers total)
You might want to check out The Spartan Student. He just finished a gig working in the kitchen at Deadhorse Camp.
posted by BlahLaLa at 4:00 PM on November 2, 2011

Oops, just realized that you only want oil field jobs.
posted by BlahLaLa at 4:01 PM on November 2, 2011

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