Does Amazon know we're both listening, and disapprove?
October 30, 2011 9:25 AM

I put an mp3 album I bought from Amazon on my Android phone and happily listened to it for more than a week. Then, my husband put a copy on his Blackberry also. Now the album has disappeared from my phone's native music player's list. How did this happen? Is the Android music player somehow "playing nice" with Amazon...? The folder of files is still there on my phone when I view files through the computer, but the Music player does not show it either by album, artist or song titles. Neither of us has the "Amazon mp3 app" on our devices, though I do have the Kindle app on mine.

Husband says "that's not possible, it's just mp3 files, there's no DRM!" But the only thing that has changed is that he put it on his Blackberry. Can anyone tell me what's going on? Can this really be a coincidence?
posted by tomboko to Technology (2 answers total)
You can rebuild the Android's music database by going to Settings -> Applications, click on the All tab, find Media Storage and click on Clear Data. Reboot and fire up Music Player and it will rebuild it.
posted by tallus at 9:46 PM on October 30, 2011

The album reappeared spontaneously... I don't know what happened, but I'm embarrassed to have asked an embarrassing question. ^^' Thank you for trying, b1tr0t and tallus!
posted by tomboko at 4:54 PM on November 1, 2011

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