What are websites that handle the user interface and/or the organization of large amounts of video content well?
October 21, 2011 9:54 AM

What are websites that handle the user interface and/or the organization of large amounts of video content well?

I'm specifically looking for sites that handle large numbers of dynamically generated or constantly updated video material in a good way. The type of site I'm thinking of would include Netflix, Khanacademy or Lynda.com. (Not necessarily holding those sites up as *good* examples of ui, just good examples of the type of site I'm interested in).

Since this question is subjective here are some of the points I think are important:
  • More often than not the site quickly allows you to locate a specific video, which usually means it has . . .
  • An excellent search engine or interface
  • Intuitive organization of content
  • UI that doesn't get in the user's way
For bonus points, if you have examples of sites that *don't* do this well, I'd be interested in hearing about those too.

posted by jeremias to Computers & Internet (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
May I suggest The National Film Board of Canada.
posted by BozoBurgerBonanza at 10:55 PM on November 10, 2011

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