Emotion and music
September 30, 2011 10:25 AM   Subscribe

What sort of ideas, feelings, concepts and memories do you keep in the back of your mind while you're listening to your favourite music?

Do you ever listen to a music recommendation from someone who touts it as being incredible and moving but when you listen to it, you only find it 'nice'? Usually styles of music that I am not accustomed to will do this to me and despite really trying to listen to it and eliminating distractions when listening, I can still have a hard time connecting to that song/album, but once I connect to a song, it really gets me.

One big example of this is The Clash's London Calling. I really respect this album and can understand why people like it, but I constantly hear that it is the best album of all time or extremely underrated despite its popularity.

I find that every song has a unique emotion or feeling attached to it that can be brought upon when one truly understands what the artist is portraying in their music. Sometimes, having a certain thought or idea or memory in mind when listening to the music (like in this example of a TED talk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9LCwI5iErE when the guy tells the audience to keep something sad in mind or to think of a lost loved one)

So my question to you is, what is some of your favourite music, what do you keep in mind when you listen to it, and how does it make you feel?
posted by Dmac_rocker to Media & Arts (1 answer total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: This is a nice sentiment but seems like a "let's talk about X" question without a problem to be solved. Chatfilter. -- jessamyn

London Calling makes much more 'sense' if you keep in mind that it's born out of pretty wretched unemployment, racial tension, general frustration, and a government that didn't seem to care. It's not a relaxing album, it's a kicking things and getting through them album.

To me at least.
posted by pupdog at 10:32 AM on September 30, 2011

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