Sucks getting old
September 25, 2011 7:42 PM

Need a recommendation for a gerentologist and a neurologist in Huntsville or Madison, AL.

My parents have moved to the west side of Huntsville, AL (actually Harvest) and they need a good gerentologist who will work with them and not just say "that's normal" to all of their issues. And they need a neurologist too. Specifically, they both have diabetes, my mom has a seizure thing, and my dad was recently diagnosed with Parkinsons. They have medicare and Blue Cross and they want someone on their end of town. Thanks!
posted by dawkins_7 to Health & Fitness (1 answer total)
Dr. Akram Haggag is a general internist, and he's in Decatur, but he's a very good primary care physician who doesn't say "that's normal"—he thoroughly investigates each health concern. He's the only doctor who has ever gotten a particularly stubborn patient of my acquaintance to actually undertake measures to improve his health. If he's too far away for your parents, it might be worth calling his office to see if he might have any recommendations that fit your criteria.
posted by ocherdraco at 12:07 AM on November 10, 2011

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