Great vacation spots on Lower Gunnison River in Colorado?
September 19, 2011 7:20 AM

Travelfiler: Colorado Vacation helper: Me and several buds are looking for a cabin to rent next summer on the lower Gunnison river. Looking for suggestions/tips...

Colorado Vacation helper: Me and several buds are looking for a cabin to rent next summer on the lower Gunnison river. Looking for suggestions/tips.

Our group is going to be 6-8 guys probably staying 5 days. We're looking to do fishing (hence, the lower Gunnison River requirement), hiking and target shooting. Our ideal spot would be a modern cabin (indoor plumbing, cable, internet) that's somewhat isolated.

If anyone can point me to some resources that would be great.
posted by wmeredith to Travel & Transportation (1 answer total)
How 'bout VRBO's section on SW Colorado?
posted by pappy at 7:19 AM on September 20, 2011

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