Does anyone use Super 8 any more?
September 19, 2011 3:02 AM

I have an old Super 8 camera in good working condition that I don't use any more. It's not worth anything, is it? I'm trying to declutter but having a hard time letting this one go.

Google has pretty much confirmed this, but I am having trouble letting it go as it has sentimental value more than anything. However, as it's not something I use and is presumably not going to appreciate in value, I want to get rid of it and make room for other things in my house (it seems silly to keep something that I'll never use again).

The sentimental value is because it belonged to a much-loved family member, but I have many other things to remember her by.

So: is it best just to donate it to the thrift store? Or is there anyone else I can sell or donate it to who might value it more? I know that many people still enjoy making super 8 films (if they can get their film processed) but I presume the market is flooded with cameras.

Sorry for a rather wandering question, and thanks for your tips.
posted by rubbish bin night to Grab Bag (6 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Yeah, they're not worth much because it's difficult to get super-8mm film, let alone getting it processed, projected or digitised.

If you have a cineclub near you they tend to be full of amateur guage fans.

I see you're in Amsterdam - maybe a student of their film preservation school will want it?

NB. I'm a Film Archiving student. My classmate recorded all our trips on super-8 but can't afford the development. It was a helluva lot of fun lacing it up and hearing it tick though!
posted by dumdidumdum at 3:40 AM on September 19, 2011

Also, if it has sentimental value a film preservationist will definitely take good care of it!
posted by dumdidumdum at 3:42 AM on September 19, 2011

You might try selling it on Craig's List. Sometimes people who are real buffs just love to get their hands on antique equipment — a friend of mine who is a composer shelled out over $300 for an antique phonograph he found on Craig's List, and even threw a thirties theme party to celebrate it.
posted by orange swan at 5:28 AM on September 19, 2011

When it comes to Super 8, the camera is the cheapest part of the equation. They're a dime a dozen.

I have two super 8 cameras that I bought at thrift stores for about five dollars apiece. Getting the film developed cost $25 per 3-minute silent reel. Buying the film in the first place was no bargain either. And that was ten years ago; things can only have gotten worse in the meantime.

Plus, since everything has gone digital, a film buff can get a 16mm camera for a hundred bucks on eBay.

Unless it's a top-of-the-line unit in pristine condition, it's a thrift store donation.
posted by Sys Rq at 10:29 AM on September 19, 2011

Hi, I am a filmmaker, who uses super-8 almost exclusively.
It is difficult to say if it is worth anything without knowing the brand, model, and condition. There are definitely collectors out there. For instance, if you have a working Bolex 150 or Canon 1014XL-S, you will find a buyer.
I payed 200 USD for a super-8 camera two years ago because it was exactly what I wanted and in great condition.
posted by 2ghouls at 11:53 AM on September 19, 2011

Thanks for the answers, they're all very helpful.

It turns out it's one of these. It's in great condition, well, it's 30-odd years old but it has been well looked after, has no scratches or anything. I still have the original case and manual, too. And an unopened cartridge of Kodachrome film that I bought about 15 years ago. So maybe it's of some use to someone after all.
posted by rubbish bin night at 12:14 PM on September 19, 2011

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