Joint MLS/MA Programs
September 18, 2011 11:53 AM

A friend of mine is interested in joint ML(I)S/MA programs. He's flexible in terms of the MA field, but is particularly interested in postcolonial/subaltern studies, area studies, religious studies, gender/queer studies, that kind of thing. Which programs should he consider?
posted by naturalog to Education (3 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
General advice for potential grad. students is to choose schools based on the faculty. For example, is their a particular book or article your friend enjoyed and got excited about? He should think in terms of going to whatever school that writer teaches at, because that's who he'll be able to take a class with.
posted by bardic at 2:04 AM on September 19, 2011

I can't come up with a way to say this w/o sounding like a jerk, but, why bother with that MA part of the MLS/MA? That's not going to help him get a job.
posted by Blake at 4:08 AM on September 19, 2011

Indiana has a great MLS program, and if the Kinsey Institute is any indication, may also be a good choice for gender/queer/sexuality studies. Rutgers also has an MLS program and appears to have some strong postcolonial studies and feminist studies programs. bardic has it, too, that the more traditional way to choose a graduate program is based on said program's faculty and their publications.

Aaand standard disclaimer: MLS jobs, with or without the MA, are hard to come by. Even more so the cherished 'specialized' jobs such as area studies librarian, which only the Research I schools can even afford to have. Your friend should only pursue this if he can get a full-ride, and even then, should be open to relocating to a geographically undesirable location for an entry-level librarian position if he wants employment.
posted by stellaluna at 11:19 AM on September 19, 2011

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