Show me your articles on the best possible way to do X.
September 16, 2011 12:35 PM

I love articles that describe the results of real-world trials of different ways to do a specific thing, and then conclude that one method is Objectively Best. Like everything America's Test Kitchen has ever done, or this article about the results of various gardening methods. Please to recommend your favorites in this genre!

So I have an embarrassing fondness for articles that are reports on detailed field trials people have done. Like the above one about which gardening method produces the best results. Or this one, about potato-growing methods. Like America's Test Kitchen, these things all push "this is the objectively CORRECT WAY to do this" Comic Book Guy buttons in my brain.

I don't even need to be interested in the subject. I will happily read about some person's real-life experience testing out different kinds of jeans or software, etc. I just find the format really satisfying (also, I get to file away THE BEST way to organize your spice cabinet, etc.). Can you recommend new reading material?
posted by thehmsbeagle to Media & Arts (3 answers total) 27 users marked this as a favorite
The Food Lab!

Total geek-kitchen porntastic...
posted by psycheslamp at 1:05 PM on September 16, 2011

The Evolution of Useful Things might be up your alley.
posted by The Deej at 1:05 PM on September 16, 2011 may be close to what you're looking for. The method of election we have (choose one person) is woefully inadequate, and many alternatives are better but flawed. Range voting (rating all candidates, e.g. 0-100) beats most of these, and is arguably the best way to conduct elections.
posted by Earl the Polliwog at 9:22 PM on September 16, 2011

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