Reporting Social Security Fraud
September 9, 2011 8:36 PM

Have you ever reported anyone for Social Security or other entitlement benefit fraud? What came of it?

Some people in my family suspect (well, know) that some relatives are committing SSI fraud with an elderly relative. I'm just curious...has anyone out there ever reported Social Security or other similar fraud and what happened?
posted by KimikoPi to Law & Government (4 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Yes. I reported someone for unemployment fraud. I have no idea what became of it. I do know that my "complaint" or report was taken seriously and I was told it would be investigated, but they do not tell you anything beyond that. I used an anonymous email address that I was able to respond to questions if necessary. There was also some sort of web page I could have used. I felt more comfortable that the email would better protect my anonymity than the web page that would have my IP address, but I could be totally wrong about that. This was more than 5 years ago.

I struggled with the decision to report it, but eventually came to the conclusion that it was my obligation to report fraud if I knew it was happening.

I am also aware of a situation where an admin assistant turned in her former boss (after she quit because she did not want to aid and abet a crime) to the IRS for tax fraud and eventually got a reward that was some small percentage (10?) of the amount collected.
posted by JohnnyGunn at 8:55 PM on September 9, 2011

Yes. I worked for Social Security an eon ago, in Australia, when it was still called that, and a beneficiary/acquaintance who knew that I did, took great pride in telling how she was rorting the system. I made an anonymous statement which gave the investigators enough to go on, they removed her benefits and raised an overpayment against her. She was not taken to court, but if she had been I would not have been called as witness because there was plenty of evidence.
posted by b33j at 9:30 PM on September 9, 2011

I reported a guy for IRS fraud, unemployment fraud, SSN fraud and as an undocumented alien. (I had been ignoring all this for several years, but then he broke my niece's heart into itty-bitty bits in a particularly cruel way, from which she's still trying to recover.) He'd been working 'under the table' for cash, while claiming unemployment benefits and telling the IRS he had zero income, using a stolen social security number. I assure you I do NOT feel any sympathy for his current legal entanglements.
posted by easily confused at 3:37 AM on September 10, 2011

In the US, there will be an Area Agency on Aging. The phonebook or United Way can help you find them. They should be a good resource for resolving elder abuse of any sort.
posted by theora55 at 12:38 PM on September 10, 2011

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