Where can I park my car cheaply for ten days near 11231 (Brooklyn, NY)?
August 18, 2011 7:07 AM

Where can I park my car cheaply for ten days near 11231 (Brooklyn, NY)?

Obviously, street cleaning precludes me just parking it on the street. Indoor or outdoor lot would be fine. I'll be out of town and won't need access during the ten day period.

I'd ordinarily leave the car in long term parking at the airport but I'm flying in and out of two different airports this time.

Thanks for any ideas.
posted by lovehandles to Travel & Transportation (7 answers total)
Howard Beach, bizarrely, has no alternate-side-of-the-street parking. You could easily jettison your car and hop right on the AirTrain. Easy access from wherever. Especially helpful if you have at least one JFK leg.
posted by thejoshu at 7:15 AM on August 18, 2011

Might you have a friend with a driver's license who would be willing to do the alternate side parking for you in exchange for use of the car? (I live in Brooklyn and, if I weren't a complete stranger who is not insured on your vehicle, I'd offer to do it. All you have to say is, "And you can go to Fairway!")
posted by brina at 7:58 AM on August 18, 2011

You could try Howard Beach, but be aware that you are technically not allowed to park in the same spot for more than a week. Enforcement of this is spotty, but you still should know.

Do you have any friends who can watch it, or do you know anyone in the suburbs? If I'm going out of town for awhile, I'll either loan my car to a friend for a week so that he can take care of alternate side, or I'll drive out to my folks' place in the suburbs and leave it there.
posted by breakin' the law at 8:00 AM on August 18, 2011

Thanks for these ideas. I don't really have anyone I trust with the car (sad, I know). Or at least, the people I do trust have their own cars and alternate side parking obligations.

Howard Beach is a possibility but a tad out of the way. And the ten day period on the street may be pushing it a bit.

I was hoping for a parking garage or lot where I might come to some kind of arrangement for a ten day stretch, something between the daily and monthly rates.
posted by lovehandles at 8:11 AM on August 18, 2011

We had this problem a few years ago when we went on a two week long vacation. I ended up finding someone on Craigs List who advertised a parking spot in a driveway for rent and while he usually did monthly he was willing to negotiate for half a month. Also there is Long Term parking at JFK...you can take the subway/air train back and forth.

It may also be worth keeping in mind that the ticket for an alternate side violation is only like 35$ last time I got hit...which depending on how often it is where you live and exactly how long you will be gone for might be less then what you would pay to park some places.
posted by Captain_Science at 8:20 AM on August 18, 2011

breakin' the law's clarification is correct, but your 7-day clock starts ticking the moment somebody complains. Realistically, that will not happen within three days.
posted by thejoshu at 9:49 AM on August 18, 2011

My wife and I went on an extended trip back in April and we used the alternate side parking calendar to our advantage. We left on April 16 (a Saturday morning) and came back on April 25 (a Monday night). Alternate side parking was suspended for Passover on Tuesday, April 19 and Wednesday, April 20, so we left our car parked on a street that did cleaning on Tuesdays.
posted by turaho at 11:11 AM on August 18, 2011

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