Troubleshooting Bluetooth
August 7, 2011 10:58 AM

I'm having trouble getting my Toshiba Satellite e105 (64 bit, running Windows 7) to connect to my Insignia NS-BT400 via Bluetooth.

I've gotten it to connect a few times by (I think) deleting and readding the connection in Bluetooth Settings, then hitting the pairing button on the speakers. Honestly, it took so long and so much fussing around that I can't be sure what did it, and I haven't even bothered trying to pair them for months. Playing around now, I can't get it to connect, no matter what I try. When I hit connect in Bluetooth Settings, it says "connection failed." I just reinstalled the Bluetooth stack to no avail.

I have no problem connecting to the speakers via my iPhone (i.e., I know they work), but I would like to be able to play all of my music on my speakers, not just the selection I keep on my iPhone.
posted by quiet coyote to Technology
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