Eye of Newt!
July 13, 2011 11:44 AM

Can you help me determine the average size of the eye of a particular species of newt? Seriously.

Here's a shot in the dark if ever there was one:

For an essay I am writing (concerning John Smith's terrific short film gargantuan; click the "view complete film" link), I need to know the average size of the eye of the Black-spotted newt, Notophthalmus meridionalis.

I know that this is incredibly obscure, but I'm hoping that perhaps there is a knowledgeable and possibly intrepid herpetologist MeFite out there somewhere.

I could pick another newt species and have the point go over just as well, but I like this one because its Latin name contains the root "ophthalm," meaning eye, which is precisely what I'm writing about. If you are a newt expert, and know of another species with this Latin term in its name - and whose eye-size you happen to know - that would be an excellent alternative!

It would also be most excellent if you could provide the source for your newt-part measurements.

posted by Dr. Wu to Pets & Animals (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

According to the by Sherman Bishop Handbook of Salamanders, Notophthalmus meridionalis is 104 mm long. I put a picture of one into Paint, lined up the gridlines and adjusted scale, and estimated that the eye is 8.7 mm. Which to me seems reasonable.
posted by bolognius maximus at 12:17 PM on July 13, 2011

Thanks, empath and bolognius maximus. I think between your two answers, I have what I need. Very impressive!
posted by Dr. Wu at 6:14 AM on July 14, 2011

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