Booty, Booty, Booty
July 6, 2011 3:12 PM

I'm trying to recall a TV Show, I think in the 90s, that had the phrase, "Booty, booty, booty!"

I'm thinking of something like The Simpsons, where they flip through channels, come upon BET, and the MC just yells at the screen, with his hands out, shouting, "Booty! Booty! Booty!"
posted by philosophistry to Media & Arts (3 answers total)
Any chance it was a music video? Number 7 or number 1 sound like they could be it.
posted by cali59 at 3:38 PM on July 6, 2011

It was The Critic, making fun of Fox. Here's the clip!

I'm actually slightly scared that I remembered this instantly and was able to find the clip in about 90 seconds.
posted by Bromius at 3:41 PM on July 6, 2011

I was so proud that I knew this and shocked someone beat me to it. (Then again, it's one of the best episodes of "The Critic".)
posted by Gucky at 6:43 PM on July 6, 2011

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