Prix Fixe Fun in the City
July 4, 2011 3:20 AM

City of London Prix Fixe Lunching: It has recently occurred to me that I've been entirely wasting Lunch as an opportunity for culinary exploration. Unfortunately all the interesting restaurants I see with Prix Fixe lunch menus seem to be in Soho. But there must be some interesting places in the City of London right? Where can you suggest that isn't obscenely expensive.

Ideally I'd like to try Pied a Terre, Arbutus, Salt Yard etc, in the west but I just can't get there an back and lunch in about an hour or so... whats the equivalent in The City of London?

Prix Fixe is not necessary - but the fixed menus are usually cheaper and more seasonal. Price range I'm thinking ~ £20 for 2 courses if its the fixed menu. maybe upto £30 for something special.

The prices seem a bit higher in The City it seems - I suspect due to "expense account inflation".
posted by mary8nne to Food & Drink (4 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
If you can make it as far as Holborn then the Bleeding Heart restaurants are good though the web site doesn't show any fixed price menu options at the moment. Be aware that there are 3 options: tavern, bistro and restaurant in order of price and formality. The same company also owns The Don which follows the same bistro and restaurant model and was good last time I ate there some time ago.

Club Gascon and Comptoir Gascon also follow this model - Comptoir is the bistro.
posted by Dan Brilliant at 4:48 AM on July 4, 2011

Coq d'Argent?

None of these do fixed price I'm afraid. Right now I think City restaurants simply don't need to offer such a thing. You may have to wait for the next financial apocalypse before you can get a fancy cheap lunch in the square mile. If you still have a job.
posted by Dan Brilliant at 4:55 AM on July 4, 2011

I'm not sure if steak is your thing but you can try :-

Hawksmoor, Spitalfields.

Goodmans, Old Jewry.
posted by plep at 5:30 AM on July 4, 2011

St John. No Prix Fixe, but supposed to be excellent.
posted by caek at 10:23 AM on July 4, 2011

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