Michael Phelps, A Labrador, and an Anvil
June 8, 2011 11:42 AM

What's a good resource for finding words that define performance levels? Think along the lines of bronze/silver/gold, or touchdown/field goal/safety, but I want a huge list that I can look through and choose what best fits the situation.

For my job I have to come up with various metrics for things like sale performance and asset management. My group always likes to come up with "titles" for each performance level that keep the sales force and management competitive, so sports terminology works great.

I just would love to find a website (or book or other resource) that just has giant lists of "good, better, best" or "poor, ok, great" variations, preferably listed by field or topic. It doesn't all need to be sports - but they just happen to fit this well. Science, movies, video games, historical leaders - anything would work.

While I welcome specific suggestions, I am really looking for a searchable list that I could continue to pull from in the future. Google has not helped me so far.
posted by snapped to Work & Money (4 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
I could truly be misinterpreting what you are looking for here; but, my instinct is to suggest a thesaurus.
posted by AlliKat75 at 5:37 PM on June 8, 2011

I don't want words that are like " good, better, best." I want lists of terms that provide a scale. Like the ranks in the military, or names of sports cars.

There probably is no such list or database, but I thought it was worth asking.
posted by snapped at 4:46 AM on June 9, 2011

I really like this idea. I tried searching for a list of my own ideas for this concept:

"black belt" rockstar noob ninja novice expert gold silver guru level prodigy grandmaster master

which led me to a lot of lists of videogame achievements, so try this: Go to


if you troll the list of achievements you can find lots of of these. It's not a succint searchable list, but for instance looking at You don't know jack, you might get:

mouth breather
button masher
posted by jefftang at 8:18 AM on June 9, 2011

jefftang, that is an awesome idea. I know that Playstation Trophies are usually named in this fashion, too. Video Game difficulty levels could also be good resources.

The only drawback would be that they rarely are the whole spectrum from bad to good to great; they are instead a slow progression from beginner to expert.
posted by snapped at 10:53 AM on June 9, 2011

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