dial up modem in windows 7
June 6, 2011 7:38 AM

I'm looking for a dial up modem for a 64bit windows 7 laptop.

This is for a computer that only needs very occasional internet access for emails. I've seen the US Robotics USR 5637 which seems to be the only one that Microsoft's website say is fully compatible. Ebay seems to have a few that are cheaper, but I'm loath to buy one without checking it will work. Has anyone managed to get others working? I'm in the UK so it would need to work with the phone here. Thanks.
posted by kg to Computers & Internet (3 answers total)
Not to the point but hopefully helpful: Is there 3G available where you are going to use the modem? It seems to me that there should be a few pay-as-you-go wireless usb adapters in the same price range as the USR modem. And finding a compatible wireless solution should be easier.
Even for just a few emails a classic modem will feel very slow and 3G/UMTS is much faster.
I am sorry that I cannot help you with your specific question and I predict that you will have a hard time to get an answer since dial-up modems are becoming so unfashionable that they are no longer a part of the standard notebook configurations.
posted by mmkhd at 11:14 AM on June 6, 2011

This is a US vendor, but it's a page of currently available USB modems:


The Newegg customer reviews are usually fairly good, since the people posting here are more technical than usual.
posted by chengjih at 12:03 PM on June 6, 2011

Thanks for your answers. It's for a church computer that's only used a couple of times a week, if that.

I've got a 3G modem for other stuff, and that was my first idea, but it's not worth it for this - the top ups don't last long enough, cheapest seems to be £10 for 30 days.

I ended up getting a modem from freeola. I emailed them first to ask if would work and I was quite impressed that they emailed back after a few hours saying that it should as there are drivers on a disk with it, and if it didn't they'd take it back. We shall see if this is true once it arrives!
posted by kg at 10:57 AM on June 7, 2011

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